Life is alive, there must be 41 health common sense

In this fast -paced modern society, we are often busy for work and study, ignoring the health of the body.However, health is our most precious wealth.
Today, let’s take a look at these 41 healthy common sense to make our lives healthier and better!
1. Diet health
Drink enough water every day: water is the source of life, and it is important to keep the body’s water balance.Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to help metabolism and detoxification.
Keep diet balance: Take enough vegetables, fruits, whole grains and protein to provide comprehensive nutrition for the body.
Active amount of nuts and seeds: They are rich in healthy fat and protein, which are healthy snack options.
Reduce the intake of sugar and salt: Excessive sugar and salt increase the risk of diabetes and hypertension.
Avoid too much intake of processing food and fast food: They usually contain high salt, high sugar and unhealthy fat.
Second, sports health
At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day: such as fast walking, running, swimming, etc., helping to improve cardiopulmonary function.
Regular strength training: enhance muscle and bones, prevent osteoporosis and muscle atrophy.
Keeping activities and avoiding sedentary: Long -term sedentary will increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Stretching exercise helps relax muscles and improves flexibility: Yoga and Prapi are good choices.
Third, sleep and health
Sleep for 7-9 hours per night: sufficient sleep helps body recovery and brain function.
Create a quiet and dark sleep environment: helps improve sleep quality.
Avoid using electronic equipment before going to bed: Blu -ray from the screen will interfere with sleep.
Relax before going to bed: you can try yoga, meditation or deep breath to help relax your body and mindEssence
Fourth, mental health
Maintain a positive attitude: optimistic facing the challenges and difficulties in life.
Learn to deal with stress: such as meditation, breathing exercises, talked with friends, etc.
Perform self -reflection on a regular basis: understand your emotions and needs, and adjust your mentality in a timely manner.
Keep good communication with others: establishing healthy interpersonal relationships can help mental health.
Five, living habits and health
Quit smoking and restriction: Tobacco and alcohol are harmful to the body and should be avoided as much as possible.
Avoid excessive exposure: UV rays in the sun can damage the skin and cause skin cancer.
Perform medical examinations on a regular basis: found potential health problems early and treat them in time.
Develop good hygiene habits: such as diligently wash your hands and keep the environment clean, prevent the spread of diseases.
6. Dietary details and health
Chewing slowly: helps digestion and reduce the burden on the stomach.
Breakfast should be eaten well: provide energy a day to avoid hypoglycemia and hunger.
Take the appropriate amount of high -quality fat: such as olive oil, fish oil, etc., which helps cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.
Eat more fiber -rich foods: such as whole valley, beans, vegetables, etc., helping digestion and prevent constipation.
Seven, deepening exercise and health
Alternate movement: Different types of exercise are performed alternately to exercise more comprehensively.
Warm up before exercise, stretch after exercise: prevent exercise damage and improve the effect of exercise.
Use fragmented time exercise: such as squatting when waiting for the elevator, push -ups when watching TV, etc.
Packing movement: Increase the fun of exercise, supervise and encourage each other.
8. Advanced sleep and health
Establish regular sleep habits: go to bed and get up at a fixed time every day.
Take a hot bath before going to bed: relax your body and mind and help sleep.
Avoid strenuous exercise before going to bed: so as not to affect sleep quality.
Choose comfortable bedding: such as the right pillow, mattress, etc. to improve sleep quality.
Nine, maintenance of mental health
Cultivate hobbies: enrich life and release stress.
Learn self -motivation: When facing difficulties, give yourself positive psychological hints.
Keep learning: constantly enrich yourself and improve self -confidenceEssence
Moderate relaxation: Don’t ask yourself too high, learn to accept your imperfections.
10. Living habits and health expansion
Maintain a good sitting position and standing posture: prevent spinal disease and joint pain.
Avoid using electronic equipment for a long time: protecting vision and cervical spine.
Regularly clean the living environment: reduce the breeding of germs and maintain health.
Follow the body signal: If you have discomfort, check the examination in time, do not delay.

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